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Pennsylvania Rep. Dwight Evans recovering after minor stroke

Rep. Dwight Evans recovering after minor stroke
Rep. Dwight Evans recovering after minor stroke 00:25

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - U.S. Rep. Dwight Evans of Philadelphia is recovering at an inpatient rehabilitation facility after suffering a minor stroke, the congressmember said in a news release Thursday.

Evans, 70, said he was diagnosed this week, adding he didn't realize it happened for a few days. He said he's having trouble with one of his legs, which could impact his walking "but not my long-term ability to serve the people of Philadelphia."

The Democratic congressmember said he expects to be at the rehabilitation facility for another week followed by outpatient therapy. He said he wanted to go public with the diagnosis to help with stroke awareness.

In the coming months, I want to help educate people and remove the stigma that sometimes accompanies strokes – many people can recover and continue on with their life and their work," Evans said in a news release.

Evans, who is serving his fourth term, said he expects to be back voting in Washington, D.C. in six weeks.

The Pennsylvania state representative represents the commonwealth's 3rd Congressional District covering Northwest and West Philadelphia and parts of North, South, Southwest and Center City Philadelphia.

Evans was first elected to the state House of Representatives in 1980, serving 36 years. During his time in office, he rose to Appropriations Committee chairman before he won his current seat, formerly held by convicted ex-Rep. Chaka Fattah.

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