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What you missed on "CBS This Morning"

From tunnels in Gaza City to robots that stalk sharks, here are some highlights from this week on "CBS This Morning":

Underground warfare

Israeli soldiers are focusing efforts on destroying the vast network of tunnels in Gaza City that give Hamas access to Israeli territory.

Hard questions with NYPD's Bill Bratton

New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton joins "CBS This Morning," defending "broken windows" policing and discussing the controversial chokehold arrest that led to Eric Garner's death.

The monster that started it all

Original "Godzilla" actor Haruo Nakajima looks back on the film phenomenon that began 60 years ago, as a reaction to nuclear paranoia after the U.S. bombed Hiroshima.

Tree of life in upstate New York

One Syracuse University professor used a grafting technique to grow a tree with 40 types of fruit.

High alert

Kansas has a border crisis all its own. Drug traffickers from nearby Colorado, where recreational marijuana is legal, are smuggling marijuana back across state lines.

Honey, I'm home for good

Silicon Valley CEO Max Schireson reignited the "have it all" debate after he quit his job for more family time. Top-ranking business women are often unfairly peppered with questions about how they balance work and motherhood, but male executives are rarely asked the same.

Let's talk about sex

"The And," an upcoming interactive documentary, asked 30 couples to unleash their honest opinions on sex, money and power.

Capturing Nixon's resignation

White House photographer David Hume Kennerly shows "CBS This Morning" the iconic photos he took during Nixon's resignation, including the ones few people have seen.

Chasing great white sharks

Biologists in California are creating an underwater drone aimed at recording and tracking great white sharks, which are appearing in vast numbers this summer.

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