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Video: Tried & True Conflict Management

In last Monday's post "Is Your Firm Cost-Cutting to Death," I pointed out that across-the-board cuts weren't effective and, in fact, usually made things worse. That post landed one of the oddest comments that I've read on this blog:

Need to cut back? How about cutting back on back-biting, gossip, human resource complaints, in your face arguing, and legal issues. In my book "Dont Bring It to Work" I show why most workplaces are rife with negativity and tension. And with the economy causing stress to hit the hot button most of us are reverting back to patterns we learned as children that were survival mechanisms. Picture the family dinner table and overlay with the office meeting table. Same behaviors. No wonder we see our co-workers acting like babies.
Far be it from me to disagree with a loyal reader. Maybe she's right and the correct management tack during hard times is a little good, old-fashioned discipline. Here's a video showing how that might work:

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