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Tom Hanks thinks "The Onion" deserves a Pulitzer; don't you?

(CBS) - "The Onion" has been one of our country's greatest news outlets for years. Sort of. Those masters of satire are undeniably talented and are always on top of their game. So why haven't they ever received print journalism's highest prize - a Pulitzer? Well, the one and only Mr. Tom Hanks has some words on that subject.

Tom Hanks ("thank you") is speaking on behalf of Americans for Fairness in Awarding Journalism Prizes, an organization that has apparently made it its mission to get "The Onion" a Pulitzer. Their site is full of notable people campaigning for "The Onion."

Would you like to see our nation's greatest (fake) news source get the recognition it deserves? Check out the AFAJP's website HERE.

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