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Ready to quit? 5 bad reasons to leave your job

(MoneyWatch) Thinking of leaving your job? Think first about why you want to leave, suggests Jayne Mattson, Senior Vice President, at Keystone Associates, a leading career management and transition services consulting firm headquartered in Boston, Mass. "Evaluate what is missing in your current role. Is it the boss, the role, assignments or overall culture?" says Mattson. If the new job offer you're considering solves your problem, you should consider jumping ship. But hang tight if all you've got are the 5 reasons below:

The pay is better

This is one factor -- but certainly not the only one. "Leaving a company for more money might bring some short term happiness and motivation, but money isn't the only factor to consider when leaving your company," says Mattson. For instance, if your hours are going to be worse, your new boss seems like a jerk, your co-workers appear miserable, and your commute will be twice as long, the extra pay might come with a bonus of extra stress.

You hate your direct manager

There are ways to work with HR to transition to a new department or group if need be -- and they'd probably prefer to help you with that rather than replace you, which costs the company money. "If the company culture is a great fit, you love your work and your colleagues are fabulous, consider staying," suggests Mattson.

Your former boss wants you to join him/her at a new company

If you loved working for this person before they left your current company, that doesn't mean history will repeat itself. "Even though you loved working for this manager years ago, will that same manager help you achieve your current career needs and meet your values now?" asks Mattson. Even if you still had a great working relationship with this person, remember that you'd be working for the company, not an individual. "If the boss left, would you want to stay working for this new company?" asks Mattson.

It's a "get rich quick" start-up

If it sounds too good to be true, it might be. "Since more startups are formulating and the long-time unemployed are being more creative with making money, you might be asked to invest in a new idea or product," notes Mattson. Before you dive in, due your due diligence by asking them the right questions about the viability of the business and speaking to others in the industry. You may also consider working on the new business on a consulting basis, and keeping your current job until the newer one becomes more stable. That way you're in on the ground floor -- but won't have the possibility of that floor being pulled out from underneath you.

You want to quit rightthisverysecond

If you truly dread going to the office every day, you should probably be looking for a new job -- but that doesn't mean you should quit if you don't have another lined up. "Unless you have enough savings for at least six months...stay put and try to get at the heart as to why you are so unhappy," says Mattson. By working that out, you may even find a way to stay where you are. And if you do ultimately decide to leave, putting thorough thought into why you're doing so will help you find the perfect next job.

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