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How much long-term care insurance do I need?

Caregiver or healthcare worker visiting senior man at home.
Long-term care insurance can be a crucial aspect of retirement planning, but it's important to buy the right amount of coverage. Getty Images

As you plan for your financial future, one crucial aspect to consider is your insurance coverage. And, while certain types of insurance, like Medicare supplemental insurance, are typically top of mind when planning for retirement, one type of coverage may not be: long-term care insurance. This type of insurance helps cover the costs of a range of services and support for those who can no longer independently perform daily activities due to chronic illness, disability or cognitive impairment. 

With the rising costs of healthcare and the increasing likelihood of needing extended care as you age, having a comprehensive long-term care insurance policy can provide you with financial security and peace of mind. However, it can be difficult to determine the right amount of coverage. So how much long-term care insurance do you need? That's what we will explore below.

Learn more about your long-term care insurance options here.

How much long-term care insurance do I need?

In general, the amount of long-term care insurance that you need varies from one person to the next based on a number of factors. For example, your location, age, health and even preferences can play a role in your needs for your long-term care insurance policy, so it's important to weigh those and other factors to determine what makes sense for you.

Start exploring your choices for long-term care insurance here.

Factors that can impact your long-term care insurance needs

Consider the following factors when calculating your policy and coverage needs:

Personal preferences and goals 

Start by considering your personal preferences and goals. Do you want to receive care at home, or are you open to moving to a care facility? Understanding your preferences will influence both the type of policy and the amount of coverage you need.

For example, if your health allows you to age in place and receive care at home, you may need less coverage than someone who anticipates moving to an assisted living facility or nursing home. Home care services can be more cost-effective, but they require different types of coverage and support.

Your health

Your current health can also impact the level of care you might require in the future. Those with chronic health conditions, disabilities or a family history of specific illnesses may be more likely to need long-term care. Therefore, they may require more extensive coverage.

Health conditions can also affect how long you might need care. Some may recover from a temporary health setback and require care for only a short time, while others with progressive conditions may need care for an extended period or even the rest of their lives. 

Current age 

The younger and healthier you are when you buy the policy, the more affordable it is. This is because insurance companies assess the risk of you needing care in the near future, and younger healthier individuals are perceived as lower risk. In turn, your age can directly affect how much coverage you need — or can afford to purchase. 

By purchasing a policy when you're younger, you may be able to better fit the cost of a policy in your budget. But if you wait, you could price yourself out of the amount of coverage you need — or be denied coverage altogether.


The cost of long-term care can vary greatly depending on where you live. Areas with higher costs of living typically have higher costs for this type of care, so it's important to factor this in when deciding on the amount of coverage you need. 

To determine what the average costs could be in your area, research the average costs of care in your area — and consider how much it could increase in the coming years as well.


Over time, the cost of care tends to increase — meaning you'll likely need more coverage in the future than you would now. To ensure your policy keeps pace with rising costs, you can consider adding an inflation rider to your insurance or purchasing a policy with higher coverage levels when you're younger and in better health.

Duration of coverage 

When deciding on the amount of coverage you need, you should also decide how long you want your coverage to last. Policies typically offer coverage for a set number of years or provide benefits for life, and choosing the duration depends on your preferences and budget.

Assets and income 

Assess your current financial situation, including your assets and sources of income. Having substantial assets may allow you to self-insure for a portion of your long-term care expenses, reducing the amount of coverage you need. Conversely, you may need more coverage if you have fewer assets or lower income, as any substantial long-term care costs could be devastating for those with limited budgets.

Family support 

Consider whether family members are willing and able to provide care in certain cases. While this can reduce the need for insurance, it's crucial to have a plan in place and acknowledge the potential strain on family relationships — and factor that into the equation when determining your coverage needs.

Find out more about long-term care insurance here.

The bottom line

There is no one-size-fits-all answer for how much long-term care insurance you need, as each individual's circumstances are unique. Determining how much long-term care insurance you need requires careful consideration. Make sure to account for all of the possible factors that could impact your long-term care insurance needs, including your personal preferences, current health, location, inflation, financial situation and budget, to ensure that you purchase the right amount of coverage for your unique situation.

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