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Clinton Paints Obama as Cheerleader for McCain

From CBS News' Fernando Suarez:

JOHNSTOWN, PA. -- Hillary Clinton took Barack Obama to task at a rally in Johnstown today for some remarks he made in Reading, Pennsylvania where he points out that John McCain would be a better commander-in-chief than George Bush.

"Either Democrat would be better than John McCain," Obama said. "And all three of us would be better than George Bush."

The Clinton campaign wasted no time hitting back saying, "Senator Obama said today that John McCain would be better for the country than George Bush. Now, Senator McCain is a real American patriot who has served our country with distinction, but Senator McCain would follow the same failed policies that have been so wrong for our country the last seven years."

As the election nears, the rhetoric between the campaigns is growing increasingly heated. Clinton supporter, Rep. John Murtha D-Pa., also piled on Obama saying, "Would you believe somebody said today, one of the Democratic candidates, there's only two, said that McCain would be better commander than Bush? You're getting the same thing! You're getting the same thing if you get McCain. The same thing!"

McCain's campaign has already responded to the attacks in a written statement by campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds that says Clinton's supporters "are launching an all-out assault using blatant falsehoods that have been repudiated." The statement adds that the attack "says more about Senator Clinton than anyone else."

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