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Brian Williams raps Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch

(CBS News) Anyone who has seen "30 Rock" knows that Brian Williams can be pretty funny given his hard news background. But when you get Jimmy Fallon involved, he's seriously made even more hysterical. For some much-needed news-made-into-workday-laughs, check out this mash-up that Fallon put together on "Late Night" of Williams getting funkeeeeeeeeeee, funky!

In honor of Mark Wahlberg being a guest on his show, Fallon created the video of Williams rapping "Good Vibrations," and dare I say he was almost as funky as Mark's old bunch? These mash-ups always impress me, especially since I envision some poor video intern has to find a personality saying every word in an entire song. What patience! But it's definitely worth it for our entertainment. And this sort of thing is exactly what will make Jimmy Fallon such a fantastic "Tonight Show" host.

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