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A Few Words For The Boss

Here are tips for enlightened managers:

1. Praise well-rounded employees.
In all good companies, results matter, not activities. Long hours and no vacations don't necessarily add up to good work. If you're managing a man or woman who delivers terrific results, but who also very much looks forward to vacations, praise that person publicly.

2. Be a role model.
Employees look to their bosses for unspoken signals. If you're apologetic or secretive about your own vacation times, your employees will feel the same way. Be vocal about your plans and excited about your time off. Encouraging your employees to feel the same will result in happier workers who will work for you many more years.

3. Gain a reputation.
In today's tight job market, companies that value personal time can have an edge on sweatshops. If you run a considerate company, advertise the fact. Tell new hires that results are incredibly important, but so is a personal life. You'll be swamped with applications!

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Written by Hope Dlugozima, career coach, with graphic design by Charles Paek

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