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7 Myths About Being Unemployed

Unemployment and jobless claims are still at multi-decade highs, so what does the Chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee do? George Miller (D-CA) proposed a new $100 billion "jobs" bill exclusively for local government employees -- and paid for by the out-of-control deficit. Way to go.

And if you're looking for further inspiration from Congress, look no further than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who actually said, "We have to pass the healthcare bill so we can see what's in it." She really did say that. I heard it.

Not to mention that the stock market is soaring and, always sensitive to the plight of the working folks, Forbes unveiled its annual list of the world's billionaires. 937 smiling faces, 26 of them hedge fund managers. Great timing.

Hey, I'm not trying to make light of a tragic situation. I've been laid off before. It sucks. It starts out feeling like you've been kicked in the teeth by someone you can't identify or hit back. Then it gets worse. You come home to nothing but fear and a stack of bills. Then you feel sad, depressed, and sorry for yourself. You'll hit bottom, but you'll bounce back. Sure you will.

If you're facing unemployment or business is down, like for most of us, this will help:
7 Myths About Being Unemployed

  1. Drinking doesn't help. Sure it does! Just stick to the cheap stuff. Okay, you can only do that for a while; then you've got to get real. Still, it'll help to remind you there are worse things in life - like really, really painful, nauseating hangovers.
  2. Just suck it up and get over yourself. What a load of crap. Sure, that's a fine answer; ignore your true feelings of dread and fear. Make believe they don't exist. That's just idiotic. Face your feelings; they're there for a reason.
  3. Nobody knows you when you're down and out. Nobody worth knowing does, but your true friends, loved ones, and associates are there for you. But you have to ask for their help and advice. Do it. People love to help. Just keep in mind that they've got their own problems too.
  4. Get right back on the horse. In some cases, yes, but most of you should consider taking the opportunity to better reposition yourself. Markets change and you need to adapt. Spend some time determining where the jobs are going to be and positioning yourself accordingly.
  5. Jump on any and every opportunity. The quickest way to get a job isn't to panic and take whatever you can get. Position yourself, get your ducks in a row, then execute a search like you would any job function - with poise and confidence. Think long distance race, not a sprint, and you'll do better.
  6. Spend every waking hour searching. Sure, it's your top priority, but you'll be far more effective and likely to actually land a job if you take care of yourself, and that means eating right, exercising, having some fun, and being kind to yourself and your loved ones.
  7. Anger will help you focus. I hear a lot from folks who carry anger and resentment that they're jobs went overseas or their employer screwed them. If you carry that stuff around, it'll show and hurt your chances of landing on your feet. Focus on things you can control and let the other stuff go.
Hope that helps. If you need more inspirational insight, check out these posts:
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