WCCO Viewers' Choice For MN's Best Zip Line
HENDERSON, Minn. (WCCO) -- If you're looking for a break from your summer routine, you might think about zip lining.
Several zip lines have popped up across Minnesota over the last few years, and we wanted to find the best.
Your votes sent me an hour southwest of the Twin Cities to Henderson for the Kerfoot Canopy Tour.
Colin Begley, the course manager, said they wanted to do something different with the canopy tour.
"We wanted to take kind of a tropical activity and bring it up north," he said.
If you're used to sitting by the water on the weekends, zip lining is a bit of a change.
"You're gonna reach speeds of 30-40 mph," Begley said. "You're gonna be at heights up to 200 feet off of the ground."
Kerfoot Canopy Tour is only a year old, but they come from a strong pedigree. You might remember Mike Binkley soaring above the Gunflint Trail a couple years ago.
"The Gunflint Lodge is owned by a guy name Bruce Kerfoot, his son, Lee, built this course," Begley said.
The course in Henderson is even bigger than the one up north.
"We've got 85 acres out here," Begley said. "Fourteen zip lines over a mile of cable if you're coming out to zip."
After suiting up, you head off to ground school to learn the basics.
As you move through the course, the zips get longer and faster.
After a crossing a rope bridge, you arrive at the course's high point. A six story climb reveals a beautiful view of the valley, and a thrilling ride across it.
"One final piece of advice I always give to my customers is: Try to have some fun," Begley said.
A trip on the Kerfoot Canopy Tour is about 3 hours and costs $94 during the week, and $99 on the weekend.
To book a tour, click here.
Next week, we're looking for the Best Flea Market in Minnesota. We've already got a poll of some of your favorites, so click here to vote.