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Top 5 Creepiest NFL Mascots

Mascots are energetic, silly...frightening.

By definition, a mascot is a person, animal or object that is used to represent a group or team and bring them luck.

By trade, mascots are entertainers meant to bring laughter to the masses and offer enjoyment during long time-outs or period breaks.

While many mascots achieve these things, what they all consistently succeed at is being undeniably creepy.

Every mascot has a bit of an eerie element to them, it's an adult dressed up head to toe in a foam costume that doesn't speak. But we narrowed down the creepiest of them all, specifically from the NFL.

Jacksonville Jaguars v Buffalo Bills
(credit: Rick Stewart/Getty Images)

Buffalo Bills – Billy  Buffalo

We'll start with a mild one. Overall, Billy Buffalo is tolerable. But he still possess horns, somewhat crossed-eyes and a confused, but angry, scowl.

Chicago Bears v Indianapolis Colts
(credit: Joe Robbins/Getty Images)

Indianapolis Colts – Blue

While on the surface Blue looks rather harmless with his goofy grin, let's not underestimate what may lie behind that lop-sided smile.

Houston Texans v New Orleans Saints
(credit: Chris Graythen/Getty Images)

New Orleans Saints – Sir Saint

Perhaps more frightening than the appearance is the thought that whoever is inside Sir Saint would be unable to see through the thinly slit eyes and would, unintentionally, hit you with that massive chin. Also, where is the air hole for the person inside the suit?!

Denver Broncos vs Kansas City Chiefs
(credit: David E. Klutho /Sports Illustrated/Getty Images)

Denver Broncos – Miles

Miles is supposed to be a caricature of a horse. But with those orange eyes and that toothy grin, he looks as though he could be the possessed horse for Sleepy Hollow's Headless Horseman.

New York Giants v San Diego Chargers
(credit: Jeff Gross/Getty Images)

San Diego Chargers – Boltman

Does he remind anyone else of Jim Carrey in "The Mask?" This is the smile of every horror movie villain.

Raider Rusher
(credit: Darren Rovell via Twitter)

Bonus: Oakland Raiders - Raider Rusher

The Raider Rusher is not the official mascot of the Oakland Raiders, but rather a cartoon version that was created last year for a kids show. It's essentially a face on legs, decorated with a headpiece made of spikes. I don't think I need to explain why this is not only terrifying to adults, but probably a major fail for children as well.

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