Second Time This Week Anti-Semitic Symbol Used In Reference To Statewide Mask Mandate
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- For the second time in less than a week, an anti-Semitic symbol has been used in reference to the governor's mask mandate.
In Marshall, shoppers at a Walmart wrapped swastikas around their faces to protest the mask mandate. And now a post on a Facebook page, with a similar theme, is also sparking outrage.
READ MORE: Mayor Of Marshall Speaks Out After Couple Is Seen With Swastika Face Coverings In Walmart
"It's a disgrace to the memory of WWII veterans as well as survivors of the Holocaust and anybody that fought," said Steve Hunegs, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council.
He's reacting to a picture and message that was posted to the Republican Party of Wabasha County's Facebook page. It shows a Nazi officer and a Jewish man. The message compares wearing a mask, to Jewish people wearing the Star of David during the Holocaust. Hunegs said the comparison is beyond absurd.
"Typhus, disease, starvation and the like as a prelude to extermination. And compare it to an order whose goal is to preserve public health to the highest degree possible. It's awful to make such comparisons," Hunegs said.
WCCO was able to reach Beverly Snow by phone. She's the chair of the Wabasha County Republican BPOU.
"That was maliciously put up. It was not put up by anyone from our party," Snow said.
"JOHN- Your group did not put that up? BEVERLY- No, I'm the chair of the BPOU and we did not put that up. I have no idea how they got on, but no one but me will ever get on there again."
The post was up for at least 8 hours and received a number of negative comments. Hunegs wants to believe it was a mistake, but also wants to know why it wasn't taken down sooner.
"I would hope they would identify that and immediately take down the posting," Hunegs said.