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Residents blame encampment for fatal shooting in Minneapolis neighborhood

Residents blame encampment for shooting in Minneapolis neighbhorhood
Residents blame encampment for shooting in Minneapolis neighbhorhood 01:59

MINNEAPOLIS — Residents of the Park Square Condominiums tell WCCO they are convinced that Thursday's deadly shooting in broad daylight near Lake Street and Blaisdell in Minneapolis' Whittier neighborhood, is tied to a recent encampment that now touches the walls of their homes. 

"Yes it is related to the encampment, it's definitely related to the encampment," said Lisa, who lives in the condominiums.

"This is one of those regrettable situations that should have never happened," said Raymond Hoffman, Park Square Condominiums President.

The encampment, which residents said has butted against their homes along Blaisdell Avenue for a month now, was previously located across the street, at the old K-Mart site.

"People are scared. Here I've got 128 different families in this building," said Hoffman.

One woman, who has tents right up to her first floor windows, said someone has to be home 24/7 to make sure no one breaks in.

Residents said they have witnessed drug sales, fires, even sexual assault.

"We are the victims, we live here and we're watching our building get destroyed," said Lisa.

Lisa and the more than hundred who live here said they want the city's help with the encampment. It's a problem acknowledged by Chief O'Hara.

"It's a very serious problem that people who live in this area have been dealing with, both when the Kmart was here and still now," said O'Hara.

Hoffman acknowledges the people in the encampments need help, but said they have no right to be in residents' literal backyards.

"Hospitality for these people is essential, but not when they're being criminals," Hoffman.

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