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'Nerdery Overnight Challenge' Benefits Local Nonprofits

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- Tech wizards pulled an all-nighter to develop some much-needed websites in St. Paul.

The "Nerdery Overnight Challenge" pairs 18 teams of web developers with local nonprofits.

Nearly 200 wizards – they asked to be called wizards – worked around the clock from 9 p.m. Saturday until 9 a.m. Sunday morning. Their task: to create or revamp their website based on the nonprofit's needs.

Throughout the night, the nerds completed a half million dollars' worth of professional services, which is work the companies usually can't afford.

"We have been getting by with a website that's reall not up to standards, without the expertise or budget to really improve it," said Carolyn Williams-Moren of PRG Incorporated.

Judges will score the sites on best design, functionality and impact. Winners will be announced April 2.

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