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Jim Newberger: 2018 Election Guide

Welcome to's 2018 political guide!

We reached out to all Minnesota candidates running for U.S Senate, Governor, U.S Congress, Attorney General, Secretary of State and State Auditor this fall. Candidates were asked to provide a two-minute video discussing their platform as well as answer a set of our viewer's questions.

Above is the video and below are the answers Jim Newberger provided. This is not a paid advertisement nor does WCCO endorse any candidate.

(Editor's Note: Some responses were revised after original submission)

Responses from Jim Newberger, Republican candidate for U.S Senate:

Do you support legalization of the recreational use of marijuana?


Do you believe that there should be a cap on how much money a candidate can spend on campaigning? If so, how much?

The question is too general and incomplete as the topic's issue is complex and an answer depends upon which aspects are being asked about.

Should Minnesota approve restrictions on gun purchases and/or ownership?
Bump stock ban? "Red flag" law to allow police to confiscate weapons from a person who is a danger to himself or others? Universal background check? Assault weapon ban?


Should Immigration Customs Enforcement -- ICE -- be abolished, and replaced with a different agency to control immigration crimes?


When politicians refer to negative stories as "fake news", do you believe it?


Should the President be permitted to unilaterally raise tariffs on US imports, or should Congress be required to vote before tariffs are imposed?


Should able-bodied Medicaid recipients be required to work?


Do you believe North Korea will "denuclearize," as President Trump says it will?


Do you believe in climate change, and should the U.S. rejoin the Paris climate accords?

The current thought of man-caused climate change has been scientifically proven and admitted to as being false. No, the U.S. should not rejoin the Paris climate accords.
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