Guide To Science, Tech, Engineering & Math (STEM) For Kids
By Anna Berend
If you've got a little scientist or engineer on your hands like I do, then by all means, continue to stimulate their neurons by treating them to one of these fun and educational destinations. Each of these museums will indulge your little Einstein's creative notions with lots of hands-on exhibits.
These locations have activities and exhibits for little ones on up. All of the museums listed are sure to delight your kids and you. So, get ready to play, experiment and learn Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) while having a blast.
The Works is a completely hands-on engineering museum for kids. There are things to build, move, spin, and design. There are games to play and riddles to solve. Their one instruction to kids, touch everything here. A recent move from Edina to Bloomington gave the Works more space in which to create interesting exhibits. The Works is specifically designed with kids ages 5 -12 in mind, but is fun for those younger and older. Check website for schedule.
This museum is huge and has just about every kind of science you can think of housed in this building. Sit in the center of a tornado, see a mummy from thousands of years ago, walk through a veritable forest of dinosaur skeletons, take your blood pressure, explore light and shadow, waves, electricity and much, much more. Every area has hands-on exhibits; and there are a number of chill-out areas with books, puzzles and activities throughout the museum. There is also an Omnitheater here. Check website for schedule and current exhibits.
A trip to the Bakken is an electrifying experience. This museum explores the world of electricity with a number of hands-on exhibits. Housed in a beautiful old mansion overlooking Lake Calhoun, the founder of Medtronic, Earl Bakken, acquired it in 1976 for his growing collections of books and electrical devices. You'll learn about magnets, the history of electrification, the body's electricity and more. You and your kiddos will be wowed by these cool exhibits. Check website for schedule.
This University of Minnesota museum has a variety of exhibits for families to explore. The Touch and See Room allows kids to get up close and personal while learning and exploring. There are collections of photographs, dioramas and traveling exhibits exploring weather, the environment, animals, food sources and more. Check website for schedule and exhibits.
You thought the Children's Museum was just for play? Think again. There are many examples of science and engineering at work here. Each of their permanent exhibits incorporate STEM aspects from Earth World to Habitot to Our World to World Works, plus the Studio Arts and the seasonal Rooftop ArtPark. Every exhibit is completely hands-on here with something for even the youngest visitor. Children employ all of their senses here. Check website for schedule and special exhibits and events.
Anna Berend is an attorney and the author of Motherly Law Blog. On Motherly Law, Anna writes about legal issues that affect families and offers tips and resources that pertain to those legal topics. On occasion, inspiration strikes and Anna writes about something totally unrelated to the law.You can find Anna at, on Facebook at Motherly Law and on Twitter @MotherlyLaw.