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FDA Approves New Treatment To Battle Cellulite

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- More than 80 percent of women develop cellulite, and they spend millions of dollars on over-the-counter creams as a temporary fix.

"I've been working out my entire life, but I still have issues," said Shekia Richard.

But now the Food and Drug Administration has approved a new treatment to combat cellulite called "Cellulaze." It's a procedure that targets cellulite from underneath the skin.

First the laser goes in and melts the fat cells that cause bulges, and then it cuts the fibers that cause those telltale dimples.

"These areas are depressions. They're fibers in the fat that are actually pulling the skin down. And what we're going to do is we're going to release those fibers," said Dr. Jay Kulkin of the Women's Institute for Health in Atlanta.

After that, the laser heats the skin, allowing new collagen to form, according to the company behind the treatment.

According to a peer-reviewed study of 10 women, the cellulite disappeared with just one treatment with results that have been shown to last a year or longer.

However, it can take about three months after the procedure to see the full results, and it's too soon to say just how long the results can be expected to last in the long term.

"This is not something that happens overnight, it is a dynamic process. We get people that want the quick fix and we can't deliver that," said Kulkin.

The procedure is considered cosmetic, so it is not typically covered by health insurance.

Treatments start at about $2,500 for a single area on both legs.

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