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Gov. Dayton Says He's 'Genuinely Undecided' On All Budget Bills

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- The special session at the Minnesota State Capitol is over.

Both the House and the Senate adjourned Friday morning at about 3 a.m. after lawmakers sent five budget bills to Gov. Mark Dayton.

Session's end was met with loud cheers and papers thrown in the air -- but Dayton didn't share the celebratory spirit.

"I'm genuinely undecided on all of them," Dayton said.

The Democratic governor says he's unhappy with many of the compromise bills the Republican legislature sent his way -- agreeing to things he doesn't agree with.

"As is the nature of divided government, probably everybody who was involved in this session is going home unhappy about something," Dayton said.

The 2017 Session will be remembered as the year lawmakers legalized Sunday liquor sales.

They also passed a Real ID bill for high-security driver's licenses that will allow Minnesotans to board commercial aircraft.

But Republican leaders are most proud of passing large tax cuts and transportation bills.

"The fact that we've got the largest tax bill in 20 years and the largest transportation bill ever that didn't include a gas tax, I think those are things, real things to be proud of," said Republican House Speaker Kurt Daudt. "And I think Minnesotans will appreciate what we did."

But Democrats called the Republican budget "cruel" to families, and deemed the tax cuts "irresponsible."

"I think it's unfortunate that Republicans chose to prioritize huge tax cuts for corporations and the super rich over really doing the things that we need to do to invest in Minnesota's working families, to make sure they're successful," said DFL Minority Leader Melissa Hortman.

The governor says he will decide by Tuesday night which bills he will sign or veto.

Here's the catch: If he vetoes any budget bills, he will have to call another special session to pass new ones.

Otherwise, there could be a partial government shutdown on July 1.

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