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Bite Of Minnesota: Sugar Snap Pea Chutney

There's nothing like fresh sugar snap peas to bring back memories of childhood helping mom and grandma shuck peas in the kitchen. A quick snap of the stem and a gentle pull of the string opens up a healthy and portable snack.

As great as they are raw, they are also fantastic cooked. Just throw whole pods into a stir-fry or even fried rice, like fellow blogger, Shaina does here.

I'm really excited to try Snap Pea Chutney with my stash of tender peas. One batch will be used as a condiment to accompany an Indian meal while another batch will be spread on celery sticks and crackers for the Fourth of July. The recipe below calls for garlic scapes, which can be found at the farmers market, but you could easily substitute a clove of minced garlic.

Sugar Snap Pea Chutney
(from Vegetarian Perspective)

1 cup fresh sugar snap peas, shelled
1 handful mint and cilantro
1 garlic scape cut into 1-inch chunks (or 1 clove garlic)
1/2 cups roasted unsalted peanuts
1 tbsp peanut oil
1/2 lime juiced

Steam the peas over boiling water for three minutes until bright green and tender. Place warm peas and remaining ingredients in a food processor and pulse until blended. The finished product should be chunky, but if you like it thinner, add a tiny bit of hot water.

Serve alongside an Indian meal in place of traditional mango chutney or spread on celery sticks and crackers.

Here is also more information at Cafe Cyan, Crystal Grobe's food blog and TC Food Finds.

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