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Best Blogs In The Twin Cities

Putting together a list of best blogs in the Twin Cities is something like trying to pick your favorite child: it depends on the day of the week. 

But I've compiled some of my favorite Twin Cities blogs: from food, to nightlife to arts and cats. It's all here:


LOL/OMG calls itself "Gossip from the seedy underbelly of the Twin Cities social media circuit." I'll be honest, I don't even know half of the people they're talking about. But it's written in a fun way, focuses on great pictures people upload, and fun Facebook updates. It makes me want to be more cool.

Heavy Table

I hesitate to call Heavy Table a blog, because it's more like an online magazine. But in the Twin Cities, no one covers the food world with more passion than Heavy Table. They'll review new restaurants, they'll profile farmers and food suppliers, and the photography is stunning. All the ingredients for a great blog. See what I did there? Ingredients! Brilliant!

(Disclosure: I also write a food blog, as a contributing member to the Dara & Co crowd at Minnesota Monthly. I'd put that blog on this list, but it would look too self-serving, right? )

Ann's Cat Blog

I hate cats. Deal with it. But Ann's Cat Blog almost, almost, makes me want a kitty. It's pretty much just adorable pictures of her orange cat Earney and her gray tabby Oliver. You can e-mail the cats individually, of course. Super, super cute.

Ali Shops Blog

Ali Kaplan, the shopping writer for the Pioneer Press, has an incredible blog filled with the best sales in the Twin Cities, and hot tips on new stores that are opening. She's an alert trend-spotter, and has often saved me money by letting me know about unadvertised deals.

Just Judy Judy Judy

Judy Grunstrom is a local architect who's become a real leader in the online social media community. She's funny, outspoken, and opinionated, and all that comes through on her blog. When Randy Moss came back to the Vikings, she compiled all the funny Twitter comments about it. She covers the orgasm gap. Reviews movies. Whatever's on her mind -- it's always a fun read.

The Same Rowdy Crowd

What do you get when you put together some of the biggest names in PR, Communications, Journalism, and watch them spout off? The Same Rowdy Crowd. You may recognize the names of Jon Austin, Bruce Benidt, Brian Lambert, Joe Loveland and Ellen Mrja, or you may not. But you'll enjoy reading their rants on local politics, media, and literature. It's like being at a really great cocktail party, except it's way easier for you to get away from Lambert when he starts going off the deep end.

Lazy Lightning

Bill Roehl is passionate about everything. He lives in the south metro and writes about politics and restaurants. And you can feel his passion pouring onto the keyboard. He's put together a really interesting dashboard that shows you the criminals under arrest in Dakota County. He'll review new restaurants. And he doesn't hestitate to let politicians have it.

Twin Cities Sidewalks

I love urban planning and sidewalks and city life, and Bill Lindeke keeps a great chronicle of all that. He snaps pictures of sidewalks and then writes about the area. His blog just turned five, and he wrote how it's become "a mix of daydreaming about different wonderful corners and spaces in the Twin Cites, political castigations, vague theoretical explorations, and lots and lots of photos and links. Its like having a great secret hobby. For example, every time I see a dog tied up to a park bench without an owner in sight, I get really excited."

KaneCo Conversations

Kane Co. is a local media/PR/social media consulting firm, and they do a really nice job of starting conversations about their industry. If you wonder how public relations gets done or how the profession is changing, this is an interesting site. They just compiled a list of the Twin Cities Top 25 influential social media pros on Twitter and in contrast to most lists online, it was based on data!


I love photography, and sometimes all you need is a beautiful picture to get your day going. Sornie Sorenson finds the most iconic Minnesota pictures posted to flickr, and shares those photos on a wonderfully curated blog. He'll find the one picture of the thousands taken at Minnehaha Falls that makes you say - all is well with the world.

Beauty Bets

Is it wrong for a man to put a blog about beauty on a list of best blogs? I say no. Elizabeth Dehn has done a fantastic job of writing an approachable blog featuring cool new beauty products and recommendations from local and national celebrities. She splits the blog into Hair, Makeup, Skincare, Wellness, Budget, Spa and Shop. It's good stuff. Elizabeth used to be a magazine editor, and she's a very skilled writer, with a flair for all things pretty.

-Jason DeRusha is a reporter and blogger for WCCO-TV. You can read his DeBlog any time of day or night.

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