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Are Humidifiers And Heat A Potential Tool For Staving Off COVID-19?

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- Facilities that can't social distance as well as others such as hospitals, nursing homes and prisons are adding one more tool to their toolbox in the fight against the coronavirus.

There is much we have to learn about COVID-19, but experts say most viruses don't do well in heat and humidity.

A Minnesota company called DriSteem says they've seen a surge in requests for commercial humidifiers since the outbreak.

"One of the markets that's always been a strong area for us is in health care. So as I've been back looking at what's going on at the building over the last few weeks, there's really really a high percentage of shipments that are headed to either a hospital or a clinic, senior living facilities, pharmaceutical manufacturers, all kinds of places that are kind of linked to the health care industry," Jennifer Montville, with DriSteem, said.

Researchers still don't know how the coronavirus responds to heat and humidity due to the fact that Brazil and Austrailia have proved they're definitely not immune.

But Montville says institutions such as prisons are adding humidifiers as one more layer of protection as they are struggling with being able to social distance.

For your home, experts recommend keeping the humidity level in the 30 to 60 percent range to fight off all viruses.

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