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'He's Putting Her At Risk': Klobuchar Reacts To 'Send Her Back' Chants At Trump Rally

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – Sen. Amy Klobuchar said President Donald Trump's comments directed at Rep. Ilhan Omar are putting her at risk, in the wake of a campaign rally Wednesday night in North Carolina during which Trump supporters chanted "Send her back! Send her back!"

"He's actually putting her in a threat situation. He's putting (Rep. Omar) at risk," Klobuchar said Thursday morning.

During the rally, Trump criticized Omar and other congresswomen of color in "The Squad." The four freshmen Democrats include Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Omar, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.

On Sunday, President Trump tweeted the congresswomen should "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came."

Only Omar, of the four congresswomen in question, was born outside the United States. She came to Minnesota from Somalia as a teenager after spending much of her childhood in a refugee camp.

"He is doing this to distract people. He is doing it to invigorate a band of people that support him, and he's not being a leader. And when I saw that, that was the first thing I thought of. This is not leadership, this is using people as political pawns," Klobuchar said in response to Trump's tweets. "Whether they be people he's scaring with his threatened raids that he doesn't follow through on or whether it is people who are in Congress that he doesn't agree with, they are merely to him political pawns."

RELATED: #IStandWithIlhan Trends On Twitter After Trump Supporters Chant 'Send Her Back' At Rally

Trump also talked about illegal immigration during the rally. He brushed off the criticism he has received for saying the congresswomen should "go back" home.

"I hope it's going to make people step back and pause. And I know it excites those people who were at that rally, but for the rest of us it should horrify us because we all stand on the shoulders of immigrants," Klobuchar said.

Following the rally, Klobuchar also called on voters to show up to the polls.

"Tonight on a stage the President returned to bigotry once again. Inciting hatred—it's what he likes to do," Klobuchar said in a tweet. "The words 'Are there no limits to what he will say or do?' ring hollow here, until you answer: there is a limit, & it rests with me—stand up, speak out, organize and VOTE."

In response to Trump's tweets and comments, Rep. Ilhan Omar has taken to Twitter.

"I am where I belong, at the people's house and you're just gonna have to deal!" Omar said.

President Trump said Thursday that if his supporters again chant "Send her back" in relation to Omar, he will try to stop them.

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