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Volunteers Scour Area For Gannon Stauch Out Of 'Compassion & Empathy'

EL PASO COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) - The tips continue to come into the El Paso County Sheriff's Office in the case of missing 11-year-old, Gannon Stauch. To date, investigators have received 184 tips to the dedicated tip line.

The office has had more than 500 applications for volunteers.

El Paso County Case
(credit: El Paso County)

While it encourages people to continue submitting tips, many have taken it upon themselves to search.

"It just got to me because I know how it is to be missing a child and not know where they are, not know where to look, which way to go so I decided to jump in and help," said Angie Hampt.

El Paso County Case
(credit: El Paso County)

Hampt's 12-year-old son, Hunter, has autism. He has disappeared many times before. When she heard Gannon was on medication, it resonated. While Hunter doesn't rely on medication, show knows well what it's like to raise a child who needs extra care. It's why she felt compelled to help in any way she could.

She is a local prospector and recruited other colleagues to search. On Saturday, they searched the Garden of the Gods and Cheyenne Canyon.

"It's a kid. It's a kid. It's what I've had people do for me, and I think it's human decency and compassion… empathy," she said.

While an official sign up for volunteers has been established by El Paso County, Hampt says she is glad she did something. The situation to her, sounds all too familiar.

"It's scary. It's very scary when your kid goes missing, and I don't know if he's autistic or not. It doesn't matter to me. It's a child."

Anyone with any information is asked to call 719-520-6666 or email

RELATED: Investigators Ask Neighbors To Check Security Video For Gannon Stauch

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