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Video: Deer stuck near frozen Colorado lake rescued and returned to wild

A deer was stuck between a proverbial -- and literal -- rock and hard place this weekend when it was stuck on a small rocky embankment and a frozen lake in Colorado.

The deer was spotted by a crane operator in Evergreen and appeared to be stuck and possibly confused. The operator called Colorado Parks and Wildlife and officers sedated the deer, hoisted it up and returned it to the wild.

"Oh dear! This guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time near Evergreen Lake on Friday," CPW said in a tweet. "Between the snow and ice on the lake, the deer was stuck."

Officers sedated the deer using a dart gun and then hoisted it over the railing of the nearby road using a "Snuggie-like contraption," which CPW jokingly suggests would make a good idea for the TV show Shark Tank: "The deer was relocated to better habitat and hopefully had a quiet holiday weekend. #wildlife #deersnuggie #sharktankidea."

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