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Vail To Consider Mandatory Face Mask Zone

VAIL, Colo. (CBS4)- The Town of Vail is considering a mandatory mask zone. The issue will be discussed during the town council's regularly-scheduled Tuesday night meeting.

face mask Everyone must wear a respirator before leaving the house to protect against Covid-19's virus and germs.
(credit: iStock/Getty)

The Town of Breckenridge put a similar order in place over the summer. Aspen voted to extend their face mask mandate through May 2021.

Masks are already required in all indoor spaces in Colorado per a face mask mandate that was initially put into place in July by Gov. Jared Polis. He continues to extend the health order as coronavirus cases surge across Colorado.

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(credit: CBS)

Vail's town council will discuss the possible face mask mandate during the council meeting.

Public comment will be available online, participants must pre-register on the Town of Vail's website.

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