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Summit Middle School Evacuated After Bullet Found Outside

FRISCO, Colo. (CBS4) -- Students at Summit Middle School in Frisco were evacuated to Summit High School after a bullet was found on the sidewalk outside the middle school.

"We are responding to a suspicious call at Summit Middle School. [One] live ammunition round found outside on campus grounds. SWAT team & K-9 unit deployed & are conducting searches. Expect heavy law enforcement presence," the Summit County Sheriff's Office tweeted at about 11:15 a.m.

The school district posted the following statement Friday morning:

"Summit Middle School staff and students are safe. We are currently holding all students in classes. A round of ammunition was found outside of the building on the sidewalk. Law enforcement is on site and searching the building and perimeter. We are conducting a controlled evacuation of students to Summit High School. Please stand by for additional information. SMS Parents please do not come to Summit Middle School to pick up your student."

Student release will be conducted at the high school, officials said.

"SMS PARENTS are invited to pick up students at 12:30 pm at Summit High School.  Only parents/guardians will be allowed to pick up students. ALL Parents will be required to show identification to pick up students," officials stated in an update at 11:40 a.m. "Parents are asked to park in the back of Summit High School and proceed to check-in.  Please follow staff direction. SMS Students will be safe and supervised at Summit High School until parent pick-up or until the end of day and students will be sent on their regular school bus route."


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