Arapahoe Basin To Offer Free Drinks & Discounted Lift Tickets At Weekend Vaccine Clinic
SUMMIT COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) - Arapahoe Basin has partnered with Summit County to help get people vaccinated, with a drink on the house and a $29 dollar afternoon lift ticket.
"It's a free Bloody Mary on us or free draft beer or soda of your choice," said Katherine Fuller, communications manager for Arapahoe Basin. "Yes, you can get the bacon Bloody Mary. That is our favorite and that is available as part of this," she laughed.
On Sunday, A-Basin is hosting a vaccine clinic as part of its partnership with Summit County. Between noon and 4 p.m., 200 Johnson and Johnson doses will be available on a first come first serve basis, for anyone who needs one, no matter where you live.
Since the pandemic, the mountain has been working alongside the county on COVID messaging and is now focused on vaccinations.
"I really think it came about just by us talking to the county and saying what do you think is this an okay idea and they said sure and so we're just going to run with it. Ya know, anything we can do to help and make it a little easier on people," said Fuller.
More than 60 percent of Summit County residents are vaccinated, and more than 70 percent have had their first dose. While the incentives will help, for Summit and surrounding mountain towns, it's also about accessibility.
"In the mountain communities, lot of people work several jobs and some work jobs in the evenings, so for us it's just making sure that the accessibility is there for the vaccines and that everyone that wants a vaccine has an opportunity to get that," said Lauren Gilbert, RN for Summit County Public Health.
Gilbert said the business partnerships have been instrumental through the pandemic and A-Basin isn't the only one interested in helping with vaccination clinics.
"When partnering with other businesses, we're really letting them drive a lot of the planning for what they think will be appealing to their customers."
When A-Basin approached the county with the idea to offer free drinks, they didn't hesitate.
"I think that this is an opportunity that our community members will really appreciate it's tailored to them and it's kind of capitalizing on that A-Basin skiing week before they close for the season," she said.
A-Basin plans to close on June 6 and will not only offer free drinks to those who get vaccinated on Sunday, but discounted lift tickets.
"We are doing $29 lift tickets from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. from this weekend until we close June 6," said Fuller.
Gilbert says the county has many upcoming second dose opportunities and is working with Breckenridge and Dillon to host vaccination clinics with live music, and more near term, the state is assisting with mobile vaccination clinics.
"What we're trying to do now is bring the vaccine closer to communities where it might be more convenient for people so we can make sure that opportunity exists," Fuller said.
For more information on opportunities to get vaccinated in Summit County click here.