Street Paving Season: Crews Plan To Resurface 510 Miles Of Road In Denver
DENVER (CBS4) - The area along Speer between Colfax and Interstate 25 is one of the main roads that will be getting fixed up with this year's paving season. It's one of four areas that crews are focusing on.
Crews got a start on that construction Thursday morning, in the Green Valley Ranch neighborhood.
City leaders tell us this year's paving season should be one for the books. That's because of an additional $15 million in funding this year -- from the "Elevate Denver Bond Program."
That funding means the city can take care of an additional 80 miles of streets.
The street paving program is in its seventh year of getting funding from the voter-approved 2A Measure.
We caught up with some of the workers who say a key part of the project is making sure everyone stays safe -- so it's important to practice basic etiquette.
"If you've got a traffic control crew that's telling you this street is closed or you've got a detour, it's very helpful if they abide by the signs and the flaggers so they're not coming into an area where they could be in a dangerous situation or put city employees in a dangerous situation," Kelly Duffy told CBS4's Mekialaya White.
The city is hoping to pave a total of 510 miles of local lanes -- including along Speer, Corona, Downing, Alameda and Belleview.
Crews say they'll be posting signs in the areas ahead of time so people are aware of the activity.