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Sex Assault Suspect Met Alleged Victims Online

GOLDEN, Colo. (CBS4)- A sexual assault suspect who met his alleged victims online has been arrested but investigators believe there may be more victims out there who haven't come forward.

According to arrest affidavit, Michael Miller was allegedly finding his victims on dating websites like or OK Cupid as well as Craigslist.

Investigators said when the women would take him up on his offer to meet Miller, 28, he would take it too far.

"What we think he does is meet these women online, engage in a relationship online, gain their trust, eventually go on dates, and then through the course of those dates, either through force or intimidation, there's an act of a sexual assault," said Jefferson County Sheriff spokeswoman Jacki Kelley.

Miller was arrested in Aurora last week on sexual assault charges after one of his alleged victims in Golden went to a hospital and authorities were called.

That victim told deputies that Miller forced himself on her and when she told him "no" he made her have sex with him.

This isn't the first time Miller has been accused of sexual crimes. According to the arrest affidavit, Miller was charged with sexual assault in 2010 in Aurora but the district attorney dismissed the case.

There were other allegations but those were never prosecuted in court. Some of those alleged victims spoke with deputies and detailed similar situations like those the alleged victim in Golden described.

Investigators believe there may be other victims and hope those women will come forward.

"Some of these victims haven't come forward because they think that they have some ownership for what happened. That they met him, they went on a date with him, they engaged to some degree and then no didn't actually mean no," said Kelley.

"We want to hear from them, we want to know that what we believe did occur involving the suspect is a crime. It is against the law to do what we think he's done."

Jeffco Sheriff's Office received several calls since this story of Michael Miller was released from women claiming to have had an encounter with him.

Anyone with information is asked to call 303-271-5623.

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