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Robin Niceta found guilty of making false child abuse claim against Aurora Councilwoman

Robin Niceta found guilty of making false claim of child abuse
Robin Niceta found guilty of making false claim of child abuse 01:08

A former Arapahoe County human services worker was found guilty this week of attempting to influence a public servant and filing a false child abuse report. Robin Niceta stood trial for making a false claim of child abuse against Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky.  

Robin Niceta Arapahoe County

Niceta was first charged in 2022 with calling in to the Arapahoe County Department of Human Services and leaving an anonymous tip about Jurinsky.

Investigators cleared Jurinsky of any wrongdoing and traced the call to Niceta.

Prosecutors allege that as Niceta's case was working its way through the court system, Niceta supplied medical records and MRI images to the court suggesting she was suffering from cancerous brain tumors and could not appear in court. Investigators later concluded the records and images were falsified. Niceta is on the court docket for December 1st, 2023 on these charges. 

Prior to the start of Niceta's trial on Monday, Jurinsky tweeted "The trial begins this morning against the woman who made up the most egregious lie against me in an attempt to take my child from me. Please say a prayer for justice for my family and all of the other families affected by this woman. #Robinniceta #Arapahoecounty"

On Tuesday evening Niceta tweeted "Guilty, taken out in handcuffs."

Niceta is scheduled to be sentenced in this case in January. 

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