'Robbie's Hope' Works To Help Teens Struggling With Isolation During Remote Learning
LAKEWOOD, Colo. (CBS4)- One group is working hard to help teens who have been struggling with remote learning and the isolation that comes along with it.
Robbie's Hope just kicked off their 3rd annual HOPEfull Drive. Over 1,000 students across the country will be sharing mental health resources with parents, teachers, coaches, and youth group leaders. The goal is to strike up a dialogue about mental health issues.
One way they'll be doing this is by passing out pamphlets that teach adults how to have difficult conversations abut issues like suicide, depression, and anxiety. Robbie's Hope was created as a way for teens to support teens, after 15-year-old Robbie Eckert took his own life. Now his friends and family are on a mission to help our community's youth.
Ann Butler, a student at Colorado Academy joined the organization because she wanted to make a difference. She says the pandemic has created a huge need for mental health resources.
"It's definitely been harder especially because reaching out is not as easy when you're with people. But I think the drive is going to be a great way to start that conversation again and have people be able to reach out and know who to reach out to," she told CBS4's Dominic Garcia.
The HOPEfull Drive will take place from Jan. 21 to Feb. 16 to raise awareness and to bolster the need for increased mental health resources in our communities.
Learn more about Robbie's Hope and how you can get involved.
If you or anyone you know is struggling with social isolation, you can call the Crisis Line at 1-844-492-TALK. Students can also submit any peer concerns to Safe2Tell.