Pot Could Make Appearance At Boulder Farmer's Market
BOULDER, Colo. (CBS4)- Now that recreational use of marijuana is legal in Colorado one businessman has a plan to bring that crop to the streets.
Right now the Boulder County Farmer's Market sells tomatoes, carrots, peppers, herbs, handmade pasta and fresh bread. A businessman from California wants to add a booth that would sell pot.
Justin Hartfield got rich with a mapping website for marijuana dispensaries. He wants to make buying pot as easy as buying potatoes.
"Ultimately I see it as part of that existing market. I mean, when this is legalized it should treated as the same as any other vegetable," said Hartfield.
His inspiration comes from the NW Cannabis Farmers Market in Seattle. It's billed as America's only daily cannabis farmer's market.
"These are individual patient farmers and under collective gardeners and under Washington law they are allowed to offer their excess medicine for donation," said NW Cannabis Market spokesman Michael Keysor.
Instead of corn or apples they offer Maui Wowi, Vanilla Kush along with a room to try out the products.
Not everyone in Boulder believes selling pot at the farmer's market is a good idea.
"Boulder has some unique situations going on right here so I don't know if starting off that would be a good idea," said one farmer's market attendee.
"I think the revenue would be good but right now probably not," said another.
New laws regulating marijuana sales don't include any provisions for pot sold at an open market such as farmer's markets.