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Denver Weather: City, Eastern Plains To Feel Edge Of Arctic Air Mass By Monday

DENVER (CBS4) - A large dome of cold air will dominate the eastern half of the United States this weekend with daytime high temperatures running 30 to 50 degrees below normal for this time of year across the Upper Midwest. At 6 a.m. on Friday morning some places in northern Minnesota (images below) had air temperatures between 25-40 degrees below zero with wind chill readings as cold as 50 degrees below zero.

While it will not be that cold in Colorado the temperature drop by Monday is going to be somewhat dramatic as a strong jet stream wobbles back and forth this weekend. On Saturday and Sunday the jet will shift to the east, allowing much warmer air from the southwest into the state. Highs in Denver should hit the 50s by the end of the weekend.

But then the jet stream will shift back to the west on Monday allowing much colder weather to move back in from the north and east. Along with the temperature drop we'll also see a chance for snow along and east of the foothills during the Monday morning drive.

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