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Loveland Police Search For Attempted Abduction Suspect

LOVELAND, Colo. (CBS4)- Loveland police are searching for a man who is suspected of a possible attempted abduction.

The suspicious incident happened in the drainage ditch near West 4th and Colorado in Loveland Wednesday afternoon about 3:45.

Police were called in reference to a suspicious man in the area who made contact with a juvenile girl. Officers said the man made aggressive comments, gestures and tried to grab the girl's hand.

There were no witnesses to the incident, however officers said another girl reportedly saw the same man in the area just after the incident occurred.

The man is described as white, 30 to 40 years old, bald, wearing jeans, a beanie cap, tennis shoes and no shirt. He has a slender frame with a "pooch" type stomach region.

Police want to question the man about what happened.

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