Home Explosion In Gypsum: Underground Gas Leak Confirmed, Neighborhood Evacuated
EAGLE COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) - A home exploded in Gypsum Thursday afternoon. Town officials confirmed an underground gas leak in the area and the Eagle County Sheriff's Office said residents in the Chatfield Corners neighborhood have been told to evacuate.
The home is located in the area of Valley Road and Cottonwood Pass. It's not clear whether anyone was hurt.
"All of the Chatfield Corners neighborhood along with Gypsum Creek Road/Valley Road/Grundel Road/Cottonwood Pass Road have been evacuated," the sheriff's office stated.
Homeowners of the affected property have been notified. The evacuation center is the Lundgren Amphitheater Lawn next to the Gypsum rec center.
Officials with the Town of Gypsum blamed an "underground gas leak." They said the power has been shut off to minimize the threat of a spark.
"Power will be off for an extended period of time for addresses South of Chatfield to Cottonwood Pass and all addresses on Cottonwood Pass West of Gypsum Creek Rd, East of Stoney Creek," officials tweeted.