Girl Scouts Work Toward Silver Award With School Garden
JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) - Two teenagers in the Ken Caryl area are hoping to make a big impact for the environment and the community.
"This was just an empty parking lot kind of. We thought it would be better used to build a garden here," said Alina Lopez.
"We reached out to a lot of different companies to get donations like cinder blocks, all the tools for building it, dirt, tomato cages for all the stuff we're growing," said Lizzy Ascencio.
Both Lizzy and Alina attended Colorow Elementary School. Now they're turning an area behind the school into a beautiful space with garden beds.
"We thought it would give them an opportunity to learn more about how to grow stuff. We also use this garden as a food bank to donate at the church that is up the street here," said Alina.
The team is working on their Girl Scouts Silver Award. They've even used old t-shirts and remade them into cotton reusable bags so volunteers can take the produce from the garden to the food bank.
"We got a whole bunch of different types of tomatoes that will be really fun for the church to try," said Lizzy.
The girls have received more donations that expected, especially cinder blocks, to make the raised garden beds. They still need other supplies.
"We do need dirt for our garden to grow our fruits and vegetables," said Alina.
Donations are being accepted through the Girl Scouts of Colorado.