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There's Just 'Snow'where To Put It All, And It's Only January

FRISCO, Colo. (CBS4) - More snow is predicted for Colorado's central mountains this weekend as towns are still trying to get a handle on all the snow they got from the last storm.

The town of Frisco is starting to run out of space to store all its snow. There is long-term, permanent snow storage, but the space is dwindling after getting four feet of snow in less than two weeks.

Jeff Goble with Frisco Public Works says it's been 10 years since they've seen so much snow and they need to use some creative thinking for places to put it.

"We have had discussions of looking into, if we need to, a snowmelt machine," Goble said.

In Breckenridge, they have moved 3,600 dump truck loads of snow out of town in recent weeks and say they have about half of their snow storage left.

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