Sparks From Welding Torch Blamed For Fire At Empower Field At Mile High
DENVER (CBS4)- Investigators believe sparks from a welding torch caused Thursday's fire at Empower Field at Mile High Stadium. The sparks ignited the plastic seats as crews welded an expansion joint.
Thick black smoke rose from the stadium as the seats burned up towards the top of the stadium on Thursday afternoon. The damage extended inside, with about 10 suites and five offices of the Denver Broncos impacted.
The fire suppression system worked as designed preventing further spread. The blaze didn't stop a couple of Broncos fans from getting engaged on the field the day after the fire.
Kyle Hemenway popped the question telling CBS4, "On the scoreboard it said 'Megan will you marry me?' I got down on one knee, firefighters
were actually clapping, I guess, we zoned out, but it was perfect."
Megan Yarborough said 'yes.'
About 1,000 feet of seating was destroyed in the fire. The stadium district says it is assessing the damage and trying to get ready for summer events.
Despite damage to 10 suites, crews say the structure itself is safe.