Deer Ensnared In Soccer Net Sawed Free
EVERGREEN, Colo. (CBS4) -- There's one buck in the Evergreen area whose rut season just lost its 'umph.' State wildlife officers removed a male mule deer's antlers Friday night after the buck entwined them in a soccer net.
The animal became irretrievably entangled at the Rocky Mountain Academy athletic fields after dusk.
Colorado Parks And Wildlife officers believed the buck had only been wrapped in the netting for about an hour. Thus, the buck thus presented a high level of resistance when approached. Officers tranquilized it in order to get closer and analyze the situation.
In the end, sawing off the antlers proved the best alternative.
Most deer, moose, and elk shed their antlers in late winter anyhow. They immediately grow back over the spring and summer.
While no headgear is a serious drawback to a buck hoping to spar with others over the right to breed with females this time of year, CPW did note that the lack of rack will make the buck appear less appealing to hunters in the upcoming months.
Right now, deer, moose and elk are typically looking for places to scrub their antlers in a display of dominance, CPW spokesperson Jason Clay pointed out.
Friday night's incident, he added, is a reminder that soccer nets, volleyball nets, and even clotheslines should be taken down when not in use.
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