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Energy Academy students in Colorado bring lessons in energy to Energy Day

Energy Academy students in Colorado bring lessons in energy to Energy Day
Energy Academy students in Colorado bring lessons in energy to Energy Day 01:34

Among the 40 presenters at Energy Day will be high school students who've chosen energy as their special field of study.

Consumer Energy Alliance is hosting Energy Day in Denver on Saturday, September 23, 2023. The interactive festival highlights all the different careers that the energy industry has to offer. It was designed to bridge the gap between education, career decisions, and the STEM and energy industries. 


There will be 40 exhibitors at Energy Day. Among them will be the students of the Energy Academy from the St. Vrain School District. Energy Academy is an elective that students at Mead High School can take and get college credit at the same time. The Energy Academy students developed interactive experiments to present at Energy Day.

From spherical robots to solar energy's impact on agriculture, the students have a lot of knowledge to share.

"I thought it was cool because it talks about the understanding of how things work," said James Zamudio, a senior in the Energy Academy. 


"We're doing a water filtration system, where we're filtering acids that represent the acids that are in the atmosphere and filtering that through limestone, and seeing if we can get the most balanced Ph," said Gabby Steel, a senior in the Energy Academy.

These are simple demonstrations that represent real world problems.

"Fossil fuels…they don't just heat your home or put gas in your car, they get  in the atmosphere and they can cause other different problems," Steel added. 


The students will present their activities in the District's Mobile Innovation Lab, a motorhome-style vehicle that is outfitted with a wide variety of technology including robotics, a podcasting station, virtual reality headsets, a music lab, augmented reality, a wide array of iPads, computers and TVs. St. Vrain uses the lab to teach stem all over the Front Range. However, on Energy Day, the goal is to spark an interest in the world of energy.

"It was also interesting learning about the energy just because the energy field has many opportunities, electricians, solar panel installer, etc. There's a career out of here," Zamudio said of his studies at the Energy Academy.

LINK: Energy Day

Energy Day is Saturday, September 23, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Esplanade outside of East High School. In addition to the exhibitors, there will be two robotics parades and the Kendrick Castillo Memorial Robotics Exhibition. 

Energy Day has exhibitors, two robotics parades & Kendrick Castillo Memorial Robotics Exhibition 02:48
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