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Douglas County School Board Set To Consider Eliminating Mask Mandate For Students, Staff Tuesday

DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) - The Board of Education of Douglas County is expected to vote during a special meeting Tuesday on a resolution that will eliminate Douglas County School District's mask mandate in schools.

RELATED: Douglas County School District - Resolution Addressing Face Coverings and Other COVID Mitigation Requirements

According to the school district resolution, the school board will recommend parents have the choice whether their children in Douglas County schools should wear masks on school campuses. This is regardless of student vaccination status.

The resolution still provides the school district will still allow for "appropriate and necessary accommodation of students with
disabilities as required by the ADA and Section 504."

The resolution clearly shows, if passed, masks will not be required of students or school staff on Douglas County school campuses.

"Unless otherwise required by federal, state, or local law and/or public health order, there shall be no District policy requiring universal mandatory masking
of students or staff, nor shall any individual school in the District enact its own universal mandatory mask policy."

In response to the ADA, Section 504 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the board recognized, "... this may require that certain classrooms and activities that occur within the schools to require students and staff to wear face coverings while participating in programs within those classrooms or activities.

The board is also expected to declare in the resolution, "... there shall be no District policy requiring a COVID-specific universal
vaccine mandate for District students or staff."

The school board meets at 5 p.m., and the resolution falls under policy revision scheduled to be addressed at 8:10 p.m. The resolution is recommended by both Douglas County Superintendent Corey Wise and Sandy Maresh, the assistant secretary of the board of education for Douglas County.

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