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Crews prepare for plane crash during emergency drill at Denver International Airport

Crews prepare for plane crash during emergency drill at Denver International Airport
Crews prepare for plane crash during emergency drill at Denver International Airport 01:42

On Wednesday, emergency personnel prepared for the potential of a plane crash at Denver International Airport during a training exercise. The full-scale exercise simulates a plane crash on the runway at the airport.


Using an older plane, firefighters put water on the plane to simulate putting out the fire. Then they head into the field and attend to the survivors who are actors and had body paint to demonstrate injuries. 

Ambulances and first responders were also there to hone their skills in treating the injured and help reunite the survivors with their families. 


In total, more than 400 people participated in the exercise to help emergency personnel prepare for their response in an actual emergency at DIA. 

"Throughout the year, the airport is preparing, through either tabletop exercises, drills or even courses that we have to maintain as well from anything- severe weather to a plane incident- so we are constantly preparing because public safety is our number one concern," said Joe Salas with DIA. 


The full-scale exercise is conducted every three years to meet the FAA's regulations to rest the airport's emergency plan. 

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