With Coronavirus, How Will CU Campuses Open This Fall?
BOULDER, Colo. (CBS4)- As colleges and universities wind down with their virtual learning for the spring semester, focus turns to the fall. Will campuses reopen with the threat of COVID-19? And what will that look like?
At the University of Colorado Boulder, they are working on a plan, but they don't expect fall 2020 to be "back to class" as usual.
"We're looking at opening in the fall, but the fall semester will look very different," said cu Chancellor Phil DiStefano.
Fall 2020 will be a challenge. Don't expect to see students swarming the CU campus, or packed lecture halls.
With unknowns about the coronavirus, DiStefano said, "My major concern is the health and safety of students, faculty and staff."
He said a committee of staff, faculty and some students is working on a plan, probably a hybrid model come fall. That means some smaller classes in- person. Larger classes would be remote or a combination of in-person and on line. Residence halls may not be filled to capacity.
"We're going to have to look at ways of making sure that we have space in case the virus comes back and we have to quarantine students," explained DiStefano.
The "COVID-19 Ready" campus plan is expected by late May or early June.
CU will assess enrollment and cost cutting measures to make up for major funding shortfalls.
Leadership has taken a 10% pay cut through furloughs. The university will consider more furloughs and layoffs.
"I believe everybody is going to have to give up something in the short run so we can make ends meet," DiStefano said.
But he calls the coronavirus crisis an opportunity to see what the university can do differently and better in the long run.
As for fall 2020 at other universities in Colorado:
- UNC plans to be back on campus for in-person instruction.
- DU plans to reopen with face to face classes.
- CSU intends to open and to be able to offer in person classes, but is not making detailed decisions too far out.
- CU-Denver won't have firm plans until mid-May.
- MSU Denver has not made a final decision.
- Colorado School of Mines will make a decision in mid-June.