Got Any Leftover Halloween Candy? Donate It Or Sell It!
(CBS4) - Many of us have lots of leftover candy from Halloween, and many of us might be sick of eating it. Some might be wondering: what do we do with it? CBS4 found some ways to donate it or sell it.
"Soldiers' Angels" is a nonprofit that provides aid, comfort and resources to the military, veterans and their families.
They have a "Treats For Troops" program where you can drop off your candy at participating businesses and organizations. Those treats are then sent to soldiers.
Some Colorado dentist offices participate in the Halloween Candy Buy Back program. You can get paid for your extra treats that will also be sent to the troops.
Make sure you call and ask ahead if these places are still participating candy donations.
Many online articles say Ronald McDonald House Charities take extra candy, but CBS4 called the Aurora chapter which told us that's not the case.