Coach Fox Appeals To Fans To Not Sell Tickets To Steelers Fans
DENVER (CBS4) - Denver Broncos fans are hoping for a big win this weekend. CBS4's Rick Sallinger caught up with them and a few Pittsburgh Steelers fans Tuesday morning picking up tickets for Sunday's playoff game.
Most Broncos fans who have tickets will go to the game, but some are selling theirs. On Monday head coach John Fox appealed to them not to sell their seats to Steelers fans.
"We have unique fans here. I would encourage all of them to keep their seats, so to speak, and not sell them to Pittsburgh fans," Fox said.
Sallinger wanted to find out if that request is being honored.
"Would you sell them to me if I was a Pittsburgh Steelers fan?" Sallinger asked a fan. "Sure," he replied.
Sallinger wanted to find out about people selling the tickets on the Internet and called a woman who had some for sale.
"If this is the only way to be able to sell them then I would do it, even though I'm from Pittsburgh and I hate the Steelers," the woman said.
Certainly at the stadium one would figure they would be obeying the coach's request, but not so.
"If you were a Steelers fan we would sell them to you, yes sir," an employee at the box office told Sallinger.
Others around the stadium told Sallinger they would sell Steelers fans tickets, but at a huge markup.
One person who Sallinger approached said he would sell him tickets but was offended when Sallinger questioned him about it being illegal to sell in front of the stadium. The man started to chase Sallinger away.