CBS4 Hosts Democratic Senate Primary Debate
DENVER (CBS) - CBS4 is hosting a debate between Democratic Senate contenders John Hickenlooper and Andrew Romanoff on June 10.
CBS4 is working in partnership with PBS 12 and the Colorado Sun to produce the debate before the Colorado primary on June 30.
The race pits the former two-term governor, Hickenlooper, against the former state house speaker, Romanoff. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has endorsed Hickenlooper but Romanoff won the support of Colorado party activists and the top position on the ballot.
CBS4 Political Specialist Shaun Boyd will moderate the debate with Colorado Sun Political Reporter John Frank and PBS 12 Colorado Inside Out Host Dominic Dezzutti also questioning the candidates.
The 60 minute debate will cover a wide variety of topics including ones related to current events as well issues important to Colorado.
The Senate debate airs on CBS4 at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, as well as on CBSN Denver.