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Bodhi, newest member of Denver DA's Office helps comfort crime victims

Bodhi helps provide support, comfort for crime victims at Denver DA's office
Bodhi helps provide support, comfort for crime victims at Denver DA's office 00:42

Meet Bodhi, the newest member of the team at the Denver District Attorney's Office. Bodhi isn't an attorney, but a dog.


He is a 2-year-old golden retriever and labrador mix. Bodhi helps provide support and comfort for crime victims. He does the same for witnesses and others, especially children. 

"When Bodhi walks in the room, you can see the children's demeanour change immediately, they become more relaxed, more confident and really able to tell us what happened to them," said Denver DA Beth McCann. 


Bodhi has gone through all kinds of training and can perform more than 40 commands. When he is not working, Bodhi enjoys napping. 

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