Measure Would Require Landlords To Give More Notice Before Raising Rent
DENVER (CBS4) - A measure at the Colorado state Capitol would require landlords to provide more notice before raising the rent or ending a lease.
The bill applies to month-to-month renters only.
Landlords currently have to give tenants a weeks' notice. The legislation would require three weeks' notice.
"Could you imagine if you were a young family who was struggling to put food on the table, pay your rent, holding up maybe one, two or three jobs and then getting that notice saying, 'In seven days, either pay this increased rent, or get out?'" said Rep. Dan Pabon, D-Denver.
The bill also requires landlords provide three weeks' notice before terminating a lease.
Renters would also have to give landlords three weeks' notice before moving out.
Colorado is one of only three states that now requires just a weeks' notice.