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Pepsi Center In Denver Has A New Name, It's Now 'Ball Arena'

(CBS4) - There's a new name for the Pepsi Center in Denver. Get ready to go to the Ball Arena. Arena officials announced the change on Thursday morning.

Kroenke Sports & Entertainment and Ball Corporation have a new partnership that they call the first of its kind. It's based in part on getting more aluminum beverage packaging into venues to improve recycling.

Ball Corporation says it wants to get more infinite recycable aluminum cans, bottles and cups into consumers hands -- and the partnership will do that around the world.

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The arena is the home of the Colorado Avalanche, the Denver Nuggets and the Colorado Mammoth and also is a popular venue for popular music acts to perform. It was also home to the majority of the Democratic National Convention when Denver played host city in 2008.

(credit: CBS)

"This is an important moment in sports and entertainment, and we are proud to partner with Kroenke Sports & Entertainment to advance sustainability in venues by implementing real-world solutions to the packaging waste crisis. We are committed to making recycling an easy, everyday choice for consumers by providing them with infinitely recyclable aluminum cans, bottles and cups that can be used and back on a store shelf in just 60 days, and enhancing recycling infrastructure in venues. We look forward to continuing to work with KSE to bring about positive change for years to come," Ball CEO John A. Hayes said in a prepared statement.

RELATED: Pepsi Center To Start Serving Some Drinks In Aluminum Cups

Stan Kroenke, whose family owns the professional teams that play there, said he has "great pride" over the agreement and said he looks "forward to unveiling Ball Arena and welcoming our fans back home when it is time once again to celebrate live sports and entertainment events responsibly."

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